Published on 7 November 2022
National University Polyclinics now provide lactation support for breastfeeding mothers – get all the help you need if baby isn’t latching well!
As we know, breastmilk is extremely beneficial to babies, bringing a host of health and developmental benefits for the child. These include passing on antibodies from mother to child and reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity in later life. Although breastfeeding can come naturally to some mothers, it can be a struggle to others, with issues ranging from poor latch, to an insufficient milk supply or sore nipples, all of which can make the process stressful and frustrating.
All of these issues are manageable with the right help and early support, like those provided by the lactation support nurses at the National University Polyclinics (NUP).

Nurse Manager Saqila Binte Ismail from the Bukit Panjang Polyclinic shared some details of the kind of support offered to new mums. Firstly, mums facing breastfeeding challenges can make an appointment to see a lactation support nurse using the OneNUHS mobile app.
At the appointment, you will be seen in a private lactation room, designed to make both mother and baby feel relaxed and calm. The lactation support nurse will discuss any issues and understand how your child is feeding. She will also guide you through a breastfeeding session offering practical advice based on your needs and concerns. The session will also include demonstrations of breast massage or hand expression techniques to help relieve engorgement and blocked ducts.
While this service is aimed at helping breastfeeding mothers with common feeding challenges, mothers with complex issues can also be referred to a doctor or a lactation consultant for further management.
Common breastfeeding challenges that the sessions can help with include:
Breast engorgement
Problems with baby latching
Inverted or flat nipples
Not enough milk
Sore and cracked nipples
Mastitis (Consultation with Doctor)
The lactation support service is available in all seven clinics at NUP, and is convenient for residents in the western region of Singapore. This is part of a wider initiative to improve breastfeeding support in the community.
In consultation with Nurse Manager Saqila Binte Ismail, Bukit Panjang Polyclinic, NUP.