Published on 16 July 2024

    Discover how Nurse Clinician Lavanieswari D/O Sinatamby Supiah stays at the forefront of excellence in the operating theatres of National University Hospital (NUH).

    As NUH Nurse Clinician Lavanieswari D/O Sinatamby Supiah meticulously arranges the pieces of surgical equipment on a tray in the operating theatre (OT), one can't help but be struck by the sheer familiarity with which she performs this ritual.

    Her hands move deftly, assuredly. She barely needs a glance at each piece of equipment before placing it in its rightful position on the tray.

    “Forceps, scissors, scalpels, retractors…” Lavanieswari softly recites, going through a mental checklist of the instruments required for surgery.

    In no time, she has all the necessary equipment prepped and ready to go.

    Here, under the bright, white lights of the OT at NUH, Lavanieswari feels completely at home – exuding the confidence that comes naturally from over 24 years of working in this demanding environment. 

    But it is more than just her extensive experience that makes Lavanieswari such a dependable and reliable nurse in the OT.

    Over the years, she has consistently upskilled herself by attending related nursing courses and staying current with the latest developments and innovations in healthcare.

    “We are faced with many different challenges in a fast-paced environment, so it is crucial that we stay updated on the latest advancements in healthcare to remain relevant,” she explained.

    “Personally, I find that acquiring new knowledge and skills is exciting... it allows me to contribute more when I collaborate with other healthcare professionals, and more importantly, ensures that I can provide patients with the best care possible.”

    Apart from assisting surgeons during surgeries and transplants by ensuring that all necessary surgical instruments, items, and equipment are readily available and accessible, Lavanieswari also provides peri-operative care for patients undergoing surgery. 

    In addition, she is frequently entrusted with mentoring and training other nurses.

    “I supervise new and student nurses and teach them the skills needed for safe patient care. In addition, I’ll try to identify and address any learning gaps they may have in their clinical skills,” she elaborated. 

    One key piece of advice that Lavanieswari often emphasises to the nurses she trains is the importance of acquiring specialised nursing skills.

    She explained, “The care of patients in this area (OT) differs from primary care due to the specific skill set required, which can be acquired through dedicated training and comprehensive knowledge. 

    “Possessing specialised skills not only sets a nurse apart in the OT but also ensures they can provide focused and effective patient care, which is crucial in today's dynamic and fluid healthcare environment.”

    Among the student nurses Lavanieswari has mentored over the years are those who have taken up the National University Health System (NUHS) Nursing sponsorship. 

    She acknowledges that sponsored student nurses often have an advantage when they begin their professional careers. 

    “With the sponsorship, these student nurses can gain experience and get themselves accustomed to the environment and culture of the different healthcare settings,” she said. 

    “So, when they eventually graduate, it becomes much easier for them to settle into their work environment.”

    Join NUHS nursing or apply for an NUHS nursing sponsorship today! Visit Nursing Careers in Singapore - NUHS | National University Health System for more information.

    In consultation with Lavanieswari D/O Sinatamby Supiah, Nurse Clinician, NUH