Published on 18 July 2024

    As a critical care nurse at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH), Nur Liyana Horsahamay is no stranger to the high-pressured environment of the intensive care unit (ICU).

    Whenever Nur Liyana Horsahamay, an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) specialising in critical care, enters the corridors of NTFGH’s ICU, she mentally braces herself for the unpredictable.

    After all, the patients that Liyana sees in the ICU are critically ill and often on life support.

    The complexity of such patient cases means that Liyana has to be quick on her feet and ready to respond to rapidly changing situations.

    "I encounter challenges every day that demand quick critical thinking skills and decision-making," Liyana shared. "My job is never dull, and there is always something new to learn. 

    "Most of the patients in the ICU are severely unwell, and we are their last line of hope to improve their condition. It is always fulfilling to see them progress with our care." 

    Liyana's other day-to-day duties encompass conducting clinical rounds, patient examinations, and managing patient care. She is also proficient in managing common medical conditions, including certain chronic illnesses.

    In addition to her responsibilities in the ICU, Liyana is a member of NTFGH’s Code Blue Response team. 'Code Blue' is an urgent call for medical assistance when a patient experiences a cardiac or respiratory arrest. When it is activated, ICU nurses like Liyana are mobilised to respond promptly and initiate resuscitative measures if necessary. 

    Given the diverse profiles of her patients, Liyana has had the opportunity to work with various healthcare professionals within the hospital, including physicians and allied health professionals.

    “Collaborating with a diverse team in ICU is essential,” Liyana emphasised. “Every team member’s input matters. We can always discuss difficult or complex clinical matters with our team of physicians and allied health professionals. Having a supportive environment in the ICU helps when it comes to facing challenges.”

    Over her 12-year nursing career, Liyana has constantly sought to improve her clinical skills. She does this by tackling challenging cases and taking advantage of the training and career development opportunities provided by NTFGH.

    She explained, “I strongly encourage nurses to master their clinical skills, as it takes time to build proficiency. The more exposure you have to challenging patients, the better equipped you become to care for them. These skills are invaluable and can advance your career significantly.

    “I've personally benefitted from numerous opportunities provided by NTFGH to enhance my professional development, allowing me to excel in my role.

    “It is fulfilling to practise nursing with the support of my nurse managers, nurse clinicians, and consultants. Their guidance motivates me and reinforces the notion that hard work is indeed well rewarded.”

    Liyana also believes that aspiring nurses should apply for a nursing sponsorship if they are eligible.

    “Nursing sponsorships offer a stable path for building and advancing your career in nursing," Liyana said. "They provide financial stability and job security, allowing you to focus wholeheartedly on honing your skills and advancing in your profession."

    Join NUHS nursing, or apply for an NUHS nursing sponsorship today! Visit Nursing Careers in Singapore - NUHS | National University Health System for more information

    In consultation with Nur Liyana Horsahamay, Advanced Practice Nurse, NTFGH

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